Works Cited


Braddon, M. Lady Audley's Secret.  New York: Dover Publications, 1974

Brownmiller, S.  "Victims."  Gender Images.  Ed. Melita Schaum and Connie Flanagan.  Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1992.

Camus, Albert.  The Fall.  Justin OŽBrien, trans.  Harmondsworth: Penguin Books 1983.

Dickens, Charles.  An Annotated Christmas Carol.  Introduced and Edited by Michael P. Hearn.  New York: Avenel Books 1989. 

---. Oliver Twist.  Harmondsworth: Penguin Books 1985

Damrosch, David.  Ed.  The Longman Anthology of British Literature, Compact Edition, Volume B.  New York: Longman 2000.

Eliot, George.  The Lifted Veil. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books -- Virago Press 1985.

Hillis Miller, J.  Poets of Reality.  Oxford: Oxford University Press 1966.

Lieberman, M.  "'Some Day My Prince Will Come': Female Acculturation through the Fairy Tale." Gender Images.  Ed. Melita Schaum and Connie Flanagan.  Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1992.

Mullen, Richard.  Anthony Trollope: A Victorian in His World.  Savannah: Frederic C. Beil 1992.

Reddy, Maureen.  "Sex, Sexuality, and Culture: Not `The OtherŽ Victorians."  College Literature.  Vol. 22, no. 3, 1995.  159-164.

Sartre, Jean Paul.  What Is Literature?  London: Methuen 1978.

Silver, Carole.  "ŽEast of the Sun and West of the MoonŽ: Victorians and Fairy Brides."  Tulsa Studies in WomenŽs Literature.  Vol. 6, no. 2, 1987.  283-298.

Thackeray, William Makepeace.  Vanity Fair.  Harmondsworth, Penguin Books 1994.

Wolfson, Susan and Peter Manning, Eds. The Longman Anthology of British Literature: Compact Edition, Vol. B.  New York: Longman 2000.


